Celebrating God’s love, seeking God’s direction together.

Online Giving

Grace UMC Offers
Online and Mobile Giving!



Grace UMC is using a platform, Aware 3 (now called FACTS):

FACTS- https://graceunited.aware3.net/give/

Although Aware3 is now FACTS, You still login at the same web address,

but you may notice the company name has changed to FACTS.

There are 3 ways to access the giving platform and instructions:

  •  Text GIVE to (757)778-8591. You’ll receive a text message containing the giving instructions.

  • Click on this link and follow the instructions. https://graceunited.aware3.net/give/ 

  • Click on the button above and follow the instructions.

Feel free to make financial gifts by setting up a direct gift from your checking account or pay by credit card.

If you’ve been giving to Grace Church through the previous online/mobile giving platform or if you’ve never given online but would like to, please contact Bill McFall, Stewardship/Finance Committee Chair, at 757-286-6731 or 757-599-3408 for help setting up your financial giving.